Audi A3 vs. Tree Crash - 01
This accident occurred in a small coastal town in Portugal called Esmoriz. It is located in Northern Portugal 12 miles outside of Porto (a major industrial city in Portugal).
Here is an article from a Portuguese newspaper:
O Acidente
Sábado, 21 de Fevereiro de 2004
Dois homens, de 27 e 21 anos, morreram ontem após terem sofrido um acidente quando circulavam num automóvel ligeiro de passageiros, na estrada florestal, em Maceda, Ovar. O acidente que só envolveu a viatura das vítimas, ocorreu, por volta das 7h30, nas imediações da base militar da Força Aérea Portuguesa que está instalada naquela região. "Quando chegámos ao local nada havia para fazer porque os sinistrados já não tinham sinais vitais. O embate terá sido, provavelmente, muito violento devido ao estado em que ficou o carro", informou fonte dos Bombeiros de Esmoriz. Cumpridas as formalidades legais, os corpos foram transportados pelos bombeiros à morgue do Hospital de Santa Maria da Feira.
English Translation(thanks paivag):
Two men, of 27 and 21 years, died yesterday after a long suffering accident when they tried to over pass cars, on a forest road, in Maceda, Ovar. The accident only involved the victims of the vehicle. The accident occurred about 7h30, close to a Portuguese Air Force Base in that region. "When we arrived to the location there was nothing we could do because the victims did not have vital signs. The impact would have been, probably, very violent due to the state of the car", informed the Firemen of Esmoriz. After the investigation, the bodies were transported by the firemen to the morgue of the Hospital of Saint Maria from the Fair.
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